
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021

3 June 2021

Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021


Applications are now open for the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021

This fund supports venues registered to serve food and alcohol, including bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs, hotels, cafes and reception centres impacted by the recent restrictions in Victoria.

Eligible liquor licensees will receive an invitation from Business Victoria to apply and can receive a grant of either $3500 or $7000.

Invitations will be sent to the eLicence email registrered by the licensee on the Liquor Portal with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation.  Licensees that dont have a Liquor Portal account can create one now and register an eLicence email.

Applications are open from Thursday 3 June until 11.59 on Thursday 24 June 2021.


Eligibility Criteria

Liquor licensees who have received their application form link from Business Victoria are eligible to apply.

To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must also:

    • operate a licensed bar, restaurant, pub, club, hotel, café or reception centre that is registered to serve food and alcohol (Premises) located in Victoria on 27 May 2021
    • hold a general or late night (general), full club, restaurant and cafe, producer’s or on-premises or late night (on-premises) liquor licence as of 27 May 2021
    • provide a Class 2 or 3 Service Sector Certificate of Registration under the Food Act 1984 that is valid in 2021 for serving food on the same premises
    • be registered for goods and services tax (GST) on 27 May 2021
    • hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN at 27 May 2021
    • be registered with the responsible Commonwealth or Victorian regulator.
  • For employing businesses only, the applicant must attest that the business is supporting its workers to access any paid leave entitlements, or that if a person can work from home, to work from home during the circuit breaker action, and supporting their casual workers, where possible.

Businesses who hold a food certificate but do not hold a liquor licence are not eligible for a grant under this program. Businesses who hold a liquor licence but do not have a food certificate for the same premises are also not eligible for a grant under this program.

Businesses can only receive a grant from either the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021, not both.

How to Apply

You can only submit an application online through the form link sent by Business Victoria to the liquor licensee’s eLicence email address.

Liquor licensees without an eLicence email address must set one up on the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Liquor Portal by 20 June 2021 to receive a grant application form link from Business Victoria.

You must complete all questions in the application form and attach all requested documentation to ensure a timely assessment and grant payment.

Only one application is permitted per premises. A business must submit a separate application for each premises if it has more than one premises under the same ABN.

Applications must be submitted before 11:59pm on 24 June 2021.


Events Support Program 

The Events Support Package helps the event industry, including large event operators and suppliers, event promoters, producers and other businesses that deliver live performance events that have had events and work cancelled due to the recent restrictions in Victoria. Further details on this program will be announced soon.



Should you have any questions or need any help applying for the grant, or ensuring you receive all available assistance, please touch base with Scott Partners and we will do our best to assist.
